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    Please keep in mind:

API for admin to manage, search and delete


Chevereto Member
đź’ˇDescribe your Feature request

Some API for managing user content, here are examples:

Search for pictures with a specific names or descriptions.
Returns the images uploaded by the IP address or user.
Bulk delete images based on IP address, user, album or given list.
Change the user's status to valid, banned or awaiting confirmation.

There can also be some API for managing the website:

Change the homepage background and title
Add and delete the IP bans.

đź‘ŹWhere did you saw this?


🔥Interest outside our community

It's 202X. We should stop drilling for fire and have more automation.
Yeah, we'd like to include chevereto into our Helpdesk, being able to delete images reported instantly with one click (over api) from within our helpdesk.