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Add Image Caption


Chevereto Noob
Want to be able to add a second text field on the index page (http://demo.chevereto.com/) that allows to enter a caption for the image before uploading - so that when viewing the image on the viewer page - an image text can be seen for img title/alt tag when mouse is over.
xipr said:
Want to be able to add a second text field on the index page (http://demo.chevereto.com/) that allows to enter a caption for the image before uploading - so that when viewing the image on the viewer page - an image text can be seen for img title/alt tag when mouse is over.

This would require a database for saving every upload and the text field of the alt tag.

It is possible, but without major change to the current chevereto, no it is not.
yeah this is a good point, because chevereto change the name of the images , so if u (in future) want to add a search field u dont have any info about the uploads.

this mod ll be great
