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Add dashboard option to disable camera model tag


💖 Chevereto Fan
Describe your feature request
The introduction of automatic camera model tagging in 4.2.0 is welcomed. However, if Exif data collection is enabled, then by default a camera model tag is automatically generated. Currently, each user can turn it on or off, but this suggestion is to have the option to turn it off globally in the dashboard, even if Exif data collection is enabled.

This would be in Dashboard Settings --> File Uploads

Why? Well the tag is great for photography related websites but some installations of Chevereto are theme related, for example, cats, dogs, cars etc. Those users might be adding different "cat" related tags for example, and a camera model tag automatically added is simply not required or inappropriate for the subject matter of the site.

Where did you see this?
When I tried to turn it off globally myself 😉

Community interest
None yet !