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    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. DeCysos

    Wrong Translation in german 4.0.6

    ▶ Reproduction steps enable under /dashboard/settings/image-upload the option "Moderate uploads" upload a guest a picture go back to your admin/mod interface to /moderate click Approve 😢 Unexpected result In file /app/languages/de.po in row 2885 msgid "Do you really want to approve this...
  2. DeCysos

    Chevereto translation help

    On https://chevereto.oneskyapp.com/collaboration it is possible to help with the translation of Chevereto. So it was at least for version 3.x and for the website. Unfortunately, I am now missing the point for version 4.x. Maybe it would be possible to expand this there with if it is still...
  3. DeCysos

    Missing Translation 4.0.6

    ▶ Reproduction steps go to a useralbum edit the album 😢 Unexpected result Despite the set language (German), the English language is still used. 📃 Error log message none 🇩🇪 Translations in german 1. Unteralben 2. Kurzbeschreibung dieses Bildes 3. "Edit Bild" to .... "Bild ändern"...
  4. 1200

    I want to make a multilingual service agreement and privacy terms

    I want to write a multilingual terms of service and privacy agreement for my Chevereto image site, except for English, as it is my native language. How can this be achieved?
  5. Youssef

    Category Translation

    Hello, my site chevereto is multilingual and I want to translate categrories to other languages. Google recommends that when a site is multilingual it must be fully translated. more my users are around the world and it does not understand all English So I want to translate all categories (in...