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    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. tobi116

    Thumbnail not working while sharing links in other sites

    Hello @Rodolfo The thumbnail is not working while I tried to share the images in other sites like FB, Twitter, and other sites. Could you advise? image tried : Link
  2. sprindesk

    On 1920 X 1080 PX Chevereto listing page has no image title visible until we mouse over the thumbnails

    Hello, Google Adsense team warn me for having no content on listing page. Then I released that on 1920 X 1080 PX Chevereto listing page has no image title visible until we mouse over the thumbnails. So, I want to make the title visible always like laws screen resolutions. Please have a look at...
  3. Mashiro

    Is there any way to generate the thumbnails without cropping image size?

    For example, the image example.png in size of 1000x2000 pixels, and by default chevereto could generate a thumbnail example.th.png in size of 160x160 pixels. Is there any way to generate a thumbnail in size of 160x320 pixels? I tried to generate the thumbnails with a Python script, but latter I...