• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:


  1. Fumi

    iOS Shortcut to share to your Chevereto site!

    Hello everyone! I've made an iOS Shortcut that enables you to share directly to your Chevereto from the iOS share modal, or if you run it from just the shortcuts menu, it will ask you to select an image from your photos. Please note that when you first start it, it will ask you to input your...
  2. vaeal

    Can you add a social software sharing button in China?

    I am currently using the V3.16.0 version, because it will become a blank page after the update, and I don't know why, so how can I add a share button similar to: wechat, QQ, weibo, etc. to this version (Google Translate)
  3. I

    My ShowCase pixpixels.com

    I have created my picPIXELS site to upload and share pictures Please review and advise thanks https://picpixels.com
  4. lanbin

    Images.vg - Image Hosting Service

    Welcome to image-sharing website Images.vg Direct Links Image link - https://images.vg/ Image URL - https://cdn.image.vg/ Cloud Hosting KVM 48GB Memory 12 vCPUs 960GB SSD Disk + Spaces Datacenter Region Amsterdam Software Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) x64 Nginx+Apache PHP 7.4.5 MySQL 8.0.20...
  5. anurajrv

    Please add Adsense revenue share options

    Please add Adsense revenue share options