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  1. Indrek

    Too many sess_files?

    Hi What might be causing my temp folder to fill up with files like "sess_*". There are so many files (almost 3 million) that the LiteSpeed has crashed, my SSD is full and it's difficult to even list the files. root@web:/tmp# rm sess_* -bash: /bin/rm: Argument list too long They seem to be...
  2. Showfom

    /account/awaiting-confirmation page shows Request denied after registration

    🎯Description of the issue After the user registers his account and redirect to `/account/awaiting-confirmation`, then the page shows Request denied ▶🚶‍Reproduction steps Enable email confirmation on setting Register an account, and get this error 😢Unexpected result I have checked my...
  3. T

    Sessions List/End

    Somewhere in the profile menu OR actually in the profile itself that displays other sessions that are logged into your account either by showing the IPs or a section of the cookie used (If you don't want to display IPs for privacy concerns) With an possible "End session" (Or delete cookie)...