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recaptcha v3

  1. gustavorwm

    Error con Recaptcha en la pagina de contacto.

    Note que en mi sitio estan registrandose muchos usuarios para hacer SPAM y quize habilitar Recaptcha. ▶ Pasos de reproducción Guarde las claves de recaptcha desde el panel de administracion (V3 y especifique en chevereto que erean V3), seleccione tambien que en la pagina de contacto apareciera...
  2. E

    recaptcha says you are a bot

    ▶🚶‍Reproduction steps Enable recaptcha 3 under external services Enter key and secret for v3 Set threshold to 0 Open registration page and click on Facebook login to register you will be asked to enter your email address recaptcha says you are a bot 😢Unexpected result when users register to...
  3. davidlevy

    Support reCAPTCHA V3 because reCAPTCHA V2 - invisible is bypassed and bad design

    Adjusting, staying ahead, keeping current. All important in design and with websites. I personally am not a fan of the reCAPTCHA V2 invisible as the standard checkmark (which is visual confirmation that it's working) does not work with Chevereto. I am using an SSL (not a free letsencrypt)...