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  1. gareth.uk

    Posting a new photo to a password-locked album removes its password and makes it publicly accessible

    *️⃣ Must open one ticket per issue. If you are experiencing multiple issues don't hesitate to create multiple tickets for each issue. ▶ Reproduction steps Create a password-protected album and upload some photos to it Observe that when attempting to view that album in a private tab (with no...
  2. D

    Direct access to private images

    Hello I would like to know if a direct access to the images served with Shevereto via direct link can be blocked? If I create a private album ideally I would like it to be accessible only when the owner of the album is logged in. Thanks in advance Mateusz Matlinski
  3. P

    Allow admin to set anon upload by default as private

    💡Describe your suggestion There should be an option for the admin to set anonymous uploads as private the image should not be public by default.