• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. pebro

    How to click on an image in detail and not in a popup window

    I need to set the web to display the image detail page directly when clicking on the image (in the category and search), so that the image preview does not open in a popup window. How do you set it up, please? Thank you very much.
  2. A

    Added popunder

    Hello! Some method make this wp plugin in https://hu.wordpress.org/plugins/popunder-popup/?: https://hu.wordpress.org/plugins/popunder-popup/ Or other idea make pop under in chevereto site? I want advertising other my websites, i think better method make pop under, or sommething.
  3. S

    FREE Send Newsletters Mod From Chevereto Mods

    Hi Everyone Today i created a really simple newsletter mod for Chevereto. Newsletter signup POPUP will appear when user tried to leave site asking user to join newsletter Once the user has registered they will see another page telling then they have successfully signed up and can remove...
  4. Vortex

    Really Simple PopUp Ad

    This may be usefull for people who own several websites or whatever. When users comes to your site and click somewhere, a popup opens and loads another site of your choice. To install this unzip the attached archive and upload the .js file to your site root or wherever you want. Then go to...