• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. iamdoubz

    Converting Apache2 to Nginx

    I am currently and slowly porting all my websites from Apache2 (2.4.41) to Nginx (1.27.3). Everything has gone (for the most part) smoothly except Chevereto. Apache2 is still using ports 80 and 443. Nginx is on ports 81 and 444. When I added my conf for Chevereto into Nginx, the website...
  2. NDBoost

    I am unable to access chevereto as a docker container, when its reverse proxied behind nginx, is there an environment variable that i need to set

    to tell the chevereto docker container that it's being proxied and to use it instead of ... 'localhost:8830'? ▶ Reproduction steps I am running the httpd-php.yaml docker-compose file per this guide (however I'm using portainer to deploy it as a stack with my existing sql container) I have...
  3. A

    Chevereto w/Swag

    I'm currently running SWAG reverse proxy on my unraid server successfully with OMBI and NextCloud. I'm trying to setup Chevereto but I must be doing something wrong because I cannot get it to work. I know the default port is 80 and I changed that to a different port. If I have SSL enabled in the...
  4. dfmcvn

    Nginx configuration

    Hello, I just moved my site to another server but forgot to move the nginx configuration. Could anyone using nginx help me to get the vhost conf again? Thank you.
  5. 1200

    I want to hide the image file link suffix

    Example: https://example.com/images/ABC-DEF-GHI-123.JPG https://example.com/images/ABC-DEF-GHI-123.PNG ... These image file links have file suffix format, Now I want to hide these file suffixes.JPG, PNG or more. The hidden image link is: https://example.com/images/ABC-DEF-GHI-123...
  6. DeCysos

    Nginx location differences

    Nginx is still a mystery to me. Could someone explain to me what the difference between .... location ~* / { index index.php; try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string; } and location / { index index.php; try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string; } consists ? With my...
  7. M

    Nginx gateway host configuration

    Hi, I have set my Ubuntu server with nginx using a configuration with a gateway host and then virtual hosts for the several apps (nextcloud, wekan). Now I'm struggling with setting up this nginx configuration for chevereto. My installation path is /var/www/html/chevereto/ My gateway host...
  8. j2k

    Server Migration (Apache -> Nginx) and 3.8.3 Upgrade

    I'm migrating from an Apache environment to a Nginx + PHP7 environment with change in default root directory. Is there any place I need to manually update the absolute document path of where images are stored? I'm planning to use the following steps for backup and upgrade (from 3.6.9 to...
  9. H

    Upload Error with php7

    I got an 500 internal Server error when uploading something with php 7 and nginx (fpm-php served by nginx). If php 7 is served by Apache (FastCGI), no Errors occured.