• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:

listing page

  1. mikaa

    Album Hierarchy View

    💡Describe your Feature request Hello, My idea is to add a feature to display a tree/list of the person's various albums on their profile (with perhaps the possibility of also displaying the list of sub-albums). The screenshot proposed below by @ashkir illustrates my idea. 👏Where did you...
  2. A

    Endless list loses page focus after viewing image

    Listing Settings: List Pagination Mode: Endless Scrolling Listing Viewer: Disabled Image Listing Size: Fluid Reproduction Steps: Scroll through the endless list to a second or third page. Click on a photo to view it Click the browser back arrow to go back to the list Unexpected Result: When...
  3. sprindesk

    On 1920 X 1080 PX Chevereto listing page has no image title visible until we mouse over the thumbnails

    Hello, Google Adsense team warn me for having no content on listing page. Then I released that on 1920 X 1080 PX Chevereto listing page has no image title visible until we mouse over the thumbnails. So, I want to make the title visible always like laws screen resolutions. Please have a look at...