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    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. F

    Direct Image Link

    👉Fill out this template accordingly with the issue you are experiencing. Add relevant files if needed. 🚧🚦Don't @mention to grab attention. Don't edit the titles of this template. Remove this paragraph when done. 🎯Description of the issue [Describe the issue you are experiencing. Example: Is...
  2. J

    Add a buy button

    I'd like to know how to add a buy button from the image listing page that links to another website. I'd like uses to be able to add the custom buy button that links to any website they like on each image listing. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I had a search on the forums and...
  3. T

    how to open chevereto inside my website

    i have upload alot folders inside chevereto and use share link inside my html like in this http://www.calleshits.com/calleshits/test%20fashion2.html my problem is then i hit button its open in chevereto and i lose my buttons can i get it open inside this url and stay there
  4. A

    Can anyone make Video Plugin?

    Hi I was wondering if anyone can create an video plugin so I can add videos by link Like YouTube, Vimeo, etc Not an actual upload but with link or embedded code
  5. A

    Add Whatsapp social sharing link

    Hello, everyone knows that Whatsapp become the most famous social networking app in the world . and its good opportunity to market your service in Whatsapp as it will boost your visitors counts. I managed successfully to add whatsapp sharing link by adding the following code in share_links.php...