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    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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google images

  1. Youssef

    Improve the content of the alt tag of an image

    👉 Improve the content of the alt tag of an image because currently the content that is in the alt tag is the name of the file is not very good for the seo because usually the name of an image file is AGFS458JPEG, GTFQ20180412 . It would be interesting to put the description of the image in the...
  2. Youssef

    compress thumbnails of images to speed up the loading of the page.

    Hello, I just did a test on Google Page speed test and Google recommends that I compress thumbnail images. What could reduce and gain more than 50% on each miniature is huge. (mypicture.md.jpg).
  3. matrax

    Google İmages go to my sites

    google image result go to in my sites. How to make chevereto plugins ? Images Hotlink Protection for Your Chevereto Websites; Anti-Hotlinking images/photos - Extensive Plugin for Watermark Pictures and images links redire wp plugin demo...