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error log

  1. P

    Unable to destroy delete-expired-images lock

    🎯Description of the issue I see 2 error message in log files : Error 1 : [proxy_fcgi:error] Got error 'PHP message: CHV\\LockException: Unable to destroy delete-expired-images lock in CHV\\Lock->process() in /app/lib/classes/class.lock.php:109\nStack trace:\n#0...
  2. dr_brown

    A bunch of errors in the logs when using S3 compatible external storage

    Good afternoon, I connected to Storage on Digital Ocean, everything works fine, errors are written in the logs each time a picture is uploaded or deleted: uploaded [Tue Aug 13 21:50:24.164278 2019] [:error] [pid 10379] [client] array (\n 0 => '18',\n 1 => '19',\n 2 =>...