• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. Wolfspyre

    Specify content (image/album) sorting logic more granularly

    Describe your feature request I believe it would be helpful to have more influence over the logic around what items are selected for a given context. currently it seems like there's an imbaked default of 'last uploaded' but the viewer may specify a different sort mechanism. I'd like to be...
  2. mikaa

    Album Hierarchy View

    💡Describe your Feature request Hello, My idea is to add a feature to display a tree/list of the person's various albums on their profile (with perhaps the possibility of also displaying the list of sub-albums). The screenshot proposed below by @ashkir illustrates my idea. 👏Where did you...
  3. H

    Changing date display in image viewer

    Usually, the image viewer displays date as an estimation e.g added to Home Decor -- 3 weeks ago. How do I change it to e.g added to Home Decor -- 3/7/2016 ??? This is purely for SEO reasons. Any help will be greatly appreciated.