• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. Wolfspyre

    Articulate the strategy Site admins should employ for managing multiple orthogonal cohorts of images,

    I believe there is a legitimate use case for the pattern of one chevereto database (and PERHAPS) one deployment of the php app supporting multiple sibling image cohort contexts… I don't have a STRONG idea of how best to achieve the desired goal of: I have distinct bubbles of contextually...
  2. DeCysos

    Language for individual pages/links

    💡Describe your idea Since English is an international language, this is the only one that is available on my page besides my native language. In addition, other languages are currently not negotiable for me. As indicated in the link below, I had been looking for a way to adapt my categories and...
  3. kuzzzma

    Photo management improvements

    💡Describe your suggestion More options for photo management: - tags for photos (searchable on website, with highlighting content by 1) the same user and 2) all users ) - photo can belong to more than 1 album - photo can belong to more than 1 category - timeline view (sorted by upload date and...
  4. rrsawant

    Pre-Sale : Listing Categories On Home Page

    Hello All, We would like to show categories at home page with one image from each category. Once click on that image, system will show images from selected categories. Is this possible with PAID version? Thanking you Rohan S.
  5. P

    Multiple Categories per image

    I want to choose 2 - 3 categories per image, it would be great if user able to choose multiple categories while holding Ctrl or something like that.