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call to action button

  1. DeCysos

    Setting the color for the call to action buttons does not work

    ▶ Reproduction steps go to /dashboard/settings/homepage scroll down: "Call to Action"-Button-Color set a other color 😢 Unexpected result The set color is stored in the database but not queried in the script. Thus the color remains at blue (default) I was told by @Rodolfo in another thread...
  2. DeCysos

    Setting the color for the call to action buttons does not work

    ▶ Reproduction steps go to /dashboard/settings/homepage scroll down: "Call to Action"-Button-Color set a other color 😢 Unexpected result The set color is stored in the database but not queried in the script. Thus the color remains at blue (default) 📃 Error log message none
  3. W

    Add "_blank" checkbox to "call to action button"

    💡Describe your Feature request Add an additional parameter to the new call to action button function, so that the link opens in a new page. You can just make a checkbox. I think this will be a useful addition. 👏Where did you saw this? - 🔥Interest outside our community -