• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

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  1. K

    [Feature Request] Add Option to Change the Value of use_aws_shared_config_files when Adding External Storage

    💡Describe your Feature request One of my installations of Chevereto is served in a Shared Hosting Environment; Which means I don't have an access to modify the open_basedir value. Thus, every time I try to add a S3 Storage, it gives me an open_basedir error, since I am not allowed to access...
  2. Oakley

    Additional S3 storage region - Paris

    For those using S3 for external storage then note that as from the 20th December '17 AWS have added an additional region, PARIS. If you want to add this to Chevereto then merely edit: app/lib/classes/class.storage.php Find: 'eu-central-1' => 'EU (Frankfurt)'...
  3. allthewaylive

    How to setup Chevereto in AWS Elastic Beanstalk?

    How to setup Chevereto in AWS Elastic Beanstalk? I've already setup the configurations to upload images to S3.