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  1. ali1994

    I uploaded all of the contants from the folders and when I open my website show the 404 not found

    🎯Description of the issue I uploaded all of the contants from the folders and when I open my website show the 404 not found ▶🚶‍Reproduction steps reuploaded all files 😢Unexpected result 404 not found
  2. Che

    404 error

    I'm not pretty sure that it's bug of the script coz my admins changed 404 settings of the server yesterday, but it looks like bug ... Rodolfo, just let you know that I have no chv_ prefix in my database (as I can see script try to access database with prefix), actually I don't use any prefix...
  3. W

    404 error

    Hello, I have almost 140 pages with 404 error and I would like to know how to redirect all those errors to the main page, If anyone can help I'd appreciate it. My English is bad, sorry
  4. T

    404 Not found on install

    When I install chevereto (latest version), I get a 404 (The requested URL /image/install was not found on this server.) after installing all dependencies. This occurs regardless of using web installer or direct download. I've tried with several machines (Debian 8.0/Ubuntu 16.04.1). File...