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IM Ad codes not working on my site

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Chevereto Member
I've added the IM Codes and slider IM codes that should popup from the bottom but they aren't.

Also the interstitial ads should take over the page but they are just shown on the bottom of page.
The error is that the code that you need to use is in the source code of that URL. You can try using this code:

var widthExoLayer;
var heightExoLayer;
var positionMaxExoLayer;
var positionMinExoLayer;
var positionExoLayer;
var marginExoLayer;
var leftExoLayer;
var topExoLayer;

var scrollTopExoLayer = 0;
var bodyHeightExoLayer;
var bodyWidthExoLayer;

widthExoLayer       = 250;
heightExoLayer      = 150;;
positionMaxExoLayer = heightExoLayer;
positionMinExoLayer = 0;
positionExoLayer    = heightExoLayer;

var codeExoLayer = ''
    + '<div id="divExoLayerWrapper" style="position: absolute; left: -1000px; width: ' + widthExoLayer + 'px; height: ' + heightExoLayer + 'px; z-index: 100; overflow: hidden;">'
    + '<div id="divExoLayer" style="position: absolute; width: ' + widthExoLayer + 'px; height: ' + heightExoLayer + 'px; z-index: 101;">'
    + '<a target="_blank" href="http://main.exoclick.com/click.php?data=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"><img border="0" width="250;" height="150;" src="http://static.exoclick.com/banners/291358/291358_20150319112227_wp5vmmeo3npc.jpg"></a>'
    + '</div>'
    + '</div>';
function writeExoLayer() {

function closeExoLayer() {
  document.getElementById('divExoLayerWrapper').style.display = "none";

function initExoLayer() {
    if ( window.outerHeight ) { // FireFox
        bodyHeightExoLayer = window.innerHeight;
        bodyWidthExoLayer  = window.innerWidth;
    } else if (document.documentElement.clientHeight) { // IE 6+
        bodyHeightExoLayer = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
        bodyWidthExoLayer  = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
    } else { // IE
        bodyHeightExoLayer = document.body.clientHeight;
        bodyWidthExoLayer  = document.body.clientWidth;

    // Layer Position
    if ( navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" ) { marginExoLayer = 5; } else { marginExoLayer = 20; }
    leftExoLayer = bodyWidthExoLayer  - widthExoLayer - marginExoLayer;
    topExoLayer  = bodyHeightExoLayer;

    document.getElementById('divExoLayer').style.left = 0 + "px";
    document.getElementById('divExoLayer').style.top  = heightExoLayer  + "px";

    positionExoLayer = heightExoLayer;
    //positionMinExoLayer = bodyHeightExoLayer - heightExoLayer;
    //positionMaxExoLayer = bodyHeightExoLayer;


function showExoLayer() {
    if ( document.getElementById('divExoLayerWrapper').style.visibility == "hidden" ) {
        document.getElementById('divExoLayerWrapper').style.visibility = "visible";
    if ( positionExoLayer > positionMinExoLayer ) {
        positionExoLayer = positionExoLayer - 2;
        document.getElementById('divExoLayer').style.top = positionExoLayer + 0 + "px";
        showExoLayerTimeout = window.setTimeout('showExoLayer()', 10);
    } else {

function hideExoLayer() {
    if ( positionExoLayer < positionMaxExoLayer ) {
        positionExoLayer = positionExoLayer + 2;
        document.getElementById('divExoLayer').style.top = positionExoLayer  + scrollTopExoLayer + "px";
        hideExoLayerTimeout = window.setTimeout('hideExoLayer()', 10);
    } else {

        document.getElementById('divExoLayerWrapper').style.visibility = "hidden";

function moveExoLayer() {
    scrollTopExoLayer = document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop;

    document.getElementById("divExoLayerWrapper").style.left = bodyWidthExoLayer  - widthExoLayer - marginExoLayer + document.body.scrollLeft + "px";
    document.getElementById("divExoLayerWrapper").style.top  = bodyHeightExoLayer - heightExoLayer + scrollTopExoLayer + "px";

    positionMinExoLayer = 0 - 0 + 0;
    positionMaxExoLayer = 0 + heightExoLayer;

    window.setTimeout('moveExoLayer()', 10);

function showAgainExoLayer() {
    window.setTimeout('showExoLayer()', 5000);

function hideAgainExoLayer() {
    window.setTimeout('hideExoLayer()', 7000);

function loadExoLayer() {


Or create/edit the file app/themes/Peafowl/custom_hooks/header.php with this content:

<?php if(!defined('access') or !access) die('This file cannot be directly accessed.'); ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://syndication.exoclick.com/splash.php?idzone=1397096&type=4"></script>
Thanks a ton m8 It all worked , now the IM is appearing and interstitial ads too thru entire page , thnx again

Also is there any way I Can edit the theme oz the current color combination doesnt look as per me as a porn ho
Thanks a ton m8 It all worked , now the IM is appearing and interstitial ads too thru entire page , thnx again

Also is there any way I Can edit the theme oz the current color combination doesnt look as per me as a porn ho

In 3.6.0 you will be able to change the active color (blue) to anything you want, but for now you can change the theme to "dark" that will suit great for an adult website.
Hmm that's ok for now but I noticed one point which is bad for me , all those ads now appear all over the pages as I can guess its coz I added it to header but the problem is that whenever I will upload images then popups will be opened and I don't want the publishers I have to let them think that I am also opening my ads too. So how to fix this one ?
Use PHP conditionals to show the code.

Please open a topic in the styling area, this one is closed.
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