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Better Login Page for Private Sites


Chevereto Member
well this is just a quick workaround to make the default login page look a little better, it's a little pale in my opinion. basically you'll just wrap the default login in the style of the maintenance page, because it already has a background image and stuff :D

looks like this ...

this is the code ...

<div id="maintenance-cover" style="background-image: url(<?php echo CHV\get_system_image_url(CHV\getSetting('maintenance_image')); ?>);">
    <div id="maintenance-cover-inner">

<?php if(!defined('access') or !access) die('This file cannot be directly accessed.'); ?>
<?php G\Render\include_theme_header(); ?>

    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
    <img src="./graphics/lock.png" />

<div class="center-box c24">
    <div class="content-width">

        <div class="header default-margin-bottom">
            <h1><?php _se('Sign in'); ?></h1>
        <div class="form-content overflow-auto">
                if(CHV\getSetting('social_signin')) {
            <div class="phablet-show phone-show hidden">
                <div class="signup-services-column c11 phablet-c1 phone-text-align-center phablet-text-align-center grid-columns">
                    <h2><?php _se('Sign in with another account'); ?></h2>
                    <ul class="sign-services"><?php G\Render\include_theme_file('snippets/sign_services_buttons'); ?></ul>
                <div class="c4 phablet-c1 grid-columns">
                    <div class="or-separator c2 phablet-c1 margin-right-auto margin-left-auto margin-top-40"><span><?php _se('or'); ?></span></div>
            <form class="c9 phablet-c1 grid-columns" method="post" autocomplete="off" data-action="validate">
                <?php echo G\Render\get_input_auth_token(); ?>
                <div class="input-label margin-top-0">
                    <label for="login-subject"><?php _se('Username or Email address'); ?></label>
                    <input type="text" name="login-subject" id="login-subject" class="text-input" autocomplete="off" value="<?php echo get_post() ? get_safe_post()["login-subject"] : ""; ?>" placeholder="<?php _se('Username or Email address'); ?>" required>
                    <span class="input-warning red-warning"></span>
                <div class="input-label input-password">
                    <label for="login-password"><?php _se('Password'); ?></label>
                    <input type="password" name="password" id="login-password" class="text-input" autocomplete="off" placeholder="<?php _se('Enter your password'); ?>" required>
                    <span class="input-below text-align-right"><a href="<?php echo G\get_base_url("account/password-forgot"); ?>"><?php _se('Forgot password?'); ?></a></span>
                <?php if(is_captcha_needed()) { ?>
                <div class="input-label">
                    <label for="recaptcha_response_field">reCAPTCHA</label>
                    <?php echo get_recaptcha_html(); ?>
                <?php } ?>
                <div class="btn-container">
                    <button class="btn btn-input default" type="submit"><?php _se('Sign in'); ?></button>
                    <span class="btn-alt checkbox-label color-inherit margin-left-10"><label for="form-keep-login"><input type="checkbox" name="keep-login" id="form-keep-login" value="1"><?php _se('Keep me logged in'); ?></label></span>
                if(CHV\getSetting('social_signin')) {
            <div class="phone-hide phablet-hide">
                <div class="c4 phablet-c1 grid-columns">
                    <div class="or-separator c2 phablet-c1 margin-right-auto margin-left-auto margin-top-40"><span><?php _se('or'); ?></span></div>
                <div class="signup-services-column c11 phablet-c1 phablet-text-align-center grid-columns">
                    <h2><?php _se('Sign in with another account'); ?></h2>
                    <ul class="sign-services"><?php G\Render\include_theme_file('snippets/sign_services_buttons'); ?></ul>

<?php if(get_post() and is_error()) { ?>
$(document).ready(function() {
    PF.fn.growl.expirable("<?php echo get_error(); ?>");
<?php } ?>

<?php G\Render\include_theme_footer(); ?>


the file is /app/themes/Peafowl/views/login.php

the maintenance image can be found in in /content/images/system/default/maintenance-cover.jpg

i also added a little lock image i found on an free icons site, that's all. you'll surely can do much more advanced stuff but like already said, it's just a quick little workaround with given stuff.

hope you like it and sorry for my bad english (second language) :)
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