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Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatefrompng()


Chevereto Noob
I am getting this error after I attempt to upload an image: Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatefrompng() in /home/hostg/public_html/engine.php on line 450

I have changed the following parts in config to:

define('PATH_SERVER', '/home/hostg/public_html/');
$ftp_host = '/home/hostg/public_html/';

It gives me the above error only when I try with ftp turned off. However when I turn ftp on it gives me this "Impossible to upload images, Chevereto is not well configured or can not run on this server."

Additionally I chmoded all folders to 777 but still doesn't seem to work
Is not your config, your server doesn't have the "imagecreatefrompng" function.